Friday, November 17, 2006

And then there was one...

It's been a month since my last post. So many things have happened - been to home for a few days, got my computer back up and running, started listening to new bands, read the "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, the final Tathva in NITC, Fedora Core 6 released, the last of the NITC labs over and most importantly the seventh semester of my B.Tech life is coming to an end.

Come Thursday next, S7 shall end with the main pro mid term evaluation. One more exam to go - Design and Analysis of Algorithms on Monday.

Now there is just one, one semester before i become a professional.

I started to write about the last three years here but i shall save it for my graduation. Probably the last post on this blog. It shall end then, true to its name.

I haven't been in blogspot for long - at least for the time i spent blogging here. But now enjoy it. Last week i found out that Google has been detecting my blogs - in fact all of them. Livejournal, Blogspot and wordpress. I got another entry too - the wikipedia user page. So much for a semester i spend primarily in front of the web (i prefer web to computer here - never had i used so much of internet). A server to maintain actually made me pretty good in mining 'how-to' pages from the net. So much of installations - Fedora Core 5 and 6, suse 10.1, Debian stable and testing versions, so much of installation ways - CD,DVD, NFS,HTTP, ISO on HDD .

And then there is my new hostel. I really enjoyed the one sem stay here. We all had a very nice time. The days of placement - small worries and nervousness - slowly gave way to celebrations. The excitement of the first job - i had it here. Being in the F pool on the very first day of the placements was something i would never forget. The i don't-care -what-u-guys-gonna-do-coz-i'm-placed feeling was all that kept me going then. Actually now i can't even think that i wasn't sure whether to appear for microsoft or not after their ppt. Same case with Yahoo!. Its interesting where life takes you to.

And now there is just one. One semester to do all the things you wanted to do in college life. One semester to finish a lot of things and start a lot others.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Motorcycle Diary...

The Cast:
KK, Thari, Me & a Hero Honda Passion bike

Different parts of Calicut...

I am not sure who had this idea first. Was it Thari or was it me?

What about kk? Oh... all his ideas would be of this sort...

Anyway the idea of going somewhere in the bike early in the morning after the 4:00 am food had gripped us so much that we weren't caring anything at all. Not even the sleep we had been missing for the previous two nights.

The hill near the city was the destination. We wanted to see the sunrise from there.... with a 360 degree view of Calicut. I had never been there before, Thari a couple of times. KK discovered this place long way back... in his school days. i'm sure he has made many a friend of his a fan of this quiet hill and the panoramic view it offers.

We started by 5:40 AM. Mission One: To get some petrol for the bike. It was as dry as anything u can think of. The 100 ml of fuel we had with us in a bottle hardly made us get to the corps. We were actually praying for the shop to be open. The first light of the day was yet to come and the place was all lonely but for one person. He guided us to a small chicken shop that i had never seen there before. We got a litre of petrol...probably more than that.

The bike which had finished its last drop of fuel by that time breathed a new life. We too.

It was cold. The characteristic coldness of NITC mornings (hmm... as though i've seen many ;). I really enjoy the feelng of early morning breeze rushing past my face. Be it on the train or bus on the journeys home and back, be it on a bike - like today. The view of the mist hanging over the grounds in the cool moonlight was the first breathtaking view. The lonely street made me forget the concern that the bike had no horn. We doing a pretty good speed.

Mission Two: Reach the hill before sunrise. Halfway through, signs of the morning came. then we knew: impossible. But the morning view of some beautiful place i had seen only in pics (kk again..) was still tempting. People and vehicles began to appear. The medicos was as busy as ever. Another reason why i didn't want to be a doctor ;). KK rode thru some unknown paths, climbed up some steep curves and lo !! we were there.

Calicut, with a beautiful mist hanging over it was all ours. Hills , with a few small buildings peeping out of the greenery on one side, the city buildings on the other. A school on top of the hill. We were excited. Sleep on one side. The freshness of the morning on the other. How i wanted to lie down there and spend a night there!

Thariq pointed out the overlapping of hills - as though there is a zig-zag way along their valleys that go to some distant land.

Time was short. We had to be in college by 7 o' clock. When we were walking down to the bike, i knew one thing.... that i would be back.... back to this enchanting place. Thari spoke of Thusharagiri.. another of my this_semester_destinations list.

I have been in Calicut for three years. But i had never been inside the medicos campus. So when kk suggested that we could go inside, i was all for it. It was different inside. The crowd in front of the gate thins away in the sheer size of the campus. Its beautiful - i have to admit.

I took over the bike from kk from there. Another one of my dreams. To ride a motorcycle on the city - college road. I enjoyed it. The curvy path with almost zero traffic and the picturesque 'hillscape' had always tempted the driver in me.

It was a nice ride. We had to stop a couple of times for refuelling though. Thari sandwitched between kk and me, all of us thinking loudly of places and things that we love, fond memories we cherish, moving through curves and past other vehicles, breathing the cold morning air.......

We were back by quarter past seven. The college was still sleeping. Lazy in a cold sunday morning. Little did anyone else know of the small escapade we had.

Within a few minutes i slept. Slept till 2:30 in the afternoon.

So much for a motorcycle adventure.

Another one of the rains...

Today it rained here.
Not quite a heavy rain but a soft one as it has been for days. But i had a really nice feeling watching it, being in the rain for a while and enjoying the great show of lightning and thunder.

To be frank, the rains in my mind are what i'm talking about. The rain was there though.

Now i'm enjoying a weekend at NITC. A weekend after exams. The best of the lot.

There's just a handful of us here left in the hostel. All the others have gone home. I think i miss those loud rock songs that's characteristic of F'. Never thought they have become a part of my life eventhough i have a strong dislike to most of them.

Been to Ahkil's house for ifthar. Walking back was a great experience. Dark roads, soft breeze, occassional raindrops, lightning and thunder, friends, college....

Fmb.... did u want to say Yahoo! ..??

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


What happened??

Hmmm.... before going much into blogspot, wordpress captured me. Started a new blog: Life And Times of an NITC'ian. A change in the blogname too: 'effemmbee'

Another development: a photoblog -

Has been blogging quite a bit for last few days. Hope i can find time in the coming days too.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Livejournal and blogspot...

Is blogspot better that Livejournal?

I have been using Livejournal for quite some time... And a few days back one of my friends suggested i should shift to blogspot... he says i would get better features and more readership here...

i created an account here last year, just for name sake... the blog was simply a single post describing about my Livejournal....

i 'm kinda emotionally attached to Livejournal... may be because i've been posting there for almost two years... The interfaces here are pretty good... Think i'm going to like it...

The main advantage over Livejournal is the fact that images can be uploaded directly... LJ needs a paid account for keeping ur pics in their server...

So i'm gonna use blogspot for a while....

See u all here...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hello World!!

Hi.. from livejournal to blogspot... with full traditionality " Hello World..!!"